PDF Export of a Calender possible in Pro Version?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions PDF Export of a Calender possible in Pro Version?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #19927 Reply

    is it possible to Export the Calender as PDF in the Full Version?

    All tested PDF Export plugins (and this was more than 20 😉 ), can’t speak with your plugin 😉

    Best regards

    #19937 Reply

    HI Fabi,

    There’s no feature for exporting calendar to a PDF, and the plug-in hasn’t been tested with those plug-ins.

    Stephen Harris
    #30037 Reply

    Hi Brian

    Really good work you’ve done.
    Is it by any chance possible to autoupdate google calender when a new event is submitted?
    Kind regards

    Lars Nemeth
    #30038 Reply

    Hi Brian
    Really good work you´ve done.
    is it possible to autoupdate a google calender when a new event ist published?

    Lars Nemeth
    #30048 Reply

    Hi Lars,

    Not sure who Brian is, and if you could, please only comment on existing topics if the question is relevant. Its more helpful to other visitors if you create a new topic for your question.

    To answer your question, the plug-in exposes an iCal feed by default (yoursite.com/feed/eo-events) which you can subscribe to using most desktop and web-based calendar clients (including Google). It will update as new events are published.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: PDF Export of a Calender possible in Pro Version?
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