Paypal not confirming

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #23803

    Hi stephen ,
    Ive been having issues with paypal not confirming purchases – I’ve used the ipn checker tool and it reports a “success” however real booking tests time out..
    using uptodate plugin and WordPress.. any assistance would be good ..

    also multiple bookings are now spiting out single event emails.. could be the adaption we made broke ?

    wolf wolf

    R.e. the emails, seems like a likely culprit. I’ll take a look at the extension – this was the cart extension, correct?

    Regarding the booking confirmation failures – have you seen your accounts IPN history? Secondly, do the bookings, which are failing to confirm have a transaction ID next to their booking ID? (See for debugging steps – but please not the date of June 2016 for the PayPal update is no longer correct. It is now June 2017 – that needs updating)

    Stephen Harris
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