Payment gateway in pro version

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years ago.

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  • #26204 Reply

    The pro version does have a booking part, but before we buy this, i would like to know how this works with a payment gateway.
    – is it possible to make a booking, and let customers pay for it, i.e. like via the preferred gateway provider
    – multisafepay will make this possible via the Ideal-payment method, example:


    #26221 Reply

    Hi Sandor,

    You can enable multiple gateways and have the user choose their preferred method. However at present only “Offline”, PayPal, Stripe and are supported. Additionally Mollie iDeal, SagePay and Braintree are available upon request (for free).

    You can also implement your own payment gateways:

    Stephen Harris
    #26247 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I would like to see this ‘live’. Do you have some example sites using event organiser pro + Mollie Ideal ?

    Kind regards,

    #26278 Reply

    Hi Sandor,

    Unfortunately, while I’m aware the plug-in is being used on several sites, I do not maintain a list of sites with the plugin actively in use.

    Stephen Harris
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