Organiser details

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Author
  • #9800 Reply

    Hi, I assume you can select a venue from a list when you create an event. Is it possible to do the same for organisers of events. I have a site where there are about ten different people who organise events and it would be great if they could be chosen from a list as an event is created.

    Cheers, Mark

    #9801 Reply

    Hi Mark,

    Yes you can, there should be an ‘organiser’ metabox on the event admin page. If not you may wish to check the ‘screen options’ to ensure it isn’t being hidden.

    Stephen Harris
    #9805 Reply

    Hi Stephen, thanks for your quick response. I still can’t see an “Organiser” section. There is the author field but I was expecting to see a similar set up to the Venue meta-boxes. A place for adding the organiser details, Name, email and phone number. I need to be able to select from a list of organisers when I create an event, just like with the venues.

    Hope this makes sense and that I’m not missing something obvious? I’m using a default 3.8.1 WP install with no other plugins.

    #9826 Reply

    Hi Mark,

    Yes, I was referring to the ‘author’, metabox (which should be labelled “Organiser”). The plug-in doesn’t add any additional fields for organisers – though any fields added to a user’s profile (by yourself / another plug-in) can be used by the plug-in.

    Stephen Harris
    #9872 Reply

    Hi Stephen, would you consider adding this as a new feature to a future version of Event Organiser? I would really love to be able to add organisers the same way I can currently add venues – ie. having the organisers as a separate taxonomy with their own details (name/email/phone/URL/photo etc).

    I understand what you’ve written here about using the built-in WordPress users as organisers. But in my case – and I suspect in the case of some other admins – I need to be able to add organisers to events, who are not users of my WordPress site (ie. they don’t have a WordPress login, and I don’t want to give them one). For me it would be much easier to have a separate way of adding and managing event organisers that has nothing to do with WordPress user accounts.

    Use case: I’m designing a site for a large-ish church that has literally dozens of events each week – various meetings and functions belonging to the various groups and ministries within the church. Each event should have its own “contact person” listed in the event details, who generally would be the leader or organiser of the group/ministry behind the event in question, so that visitors to the website can easily contact the person behind each event. But I definitely don’t want to create WordPress user accounts for all those contact people (they have no need to be logging into WordPress). So it would be much easier if I can just create these contact people as organisers the same way I can create venues.


    #10068 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    I second this proposal. I’m currently using custom fields so that I can add the event presenter’s name and personal URL for purposes of markup..

    It’s a bit awkward to add ‘presenters’ as WordPress users because you are required to add an e-mail address and password for each one.

    Also, (as I’m aware) these author details cannot be output by an EO shortcode or from the EO widget anyway (for example, you cannot use template tags like %the_author% inside the event list shortcode?).

    Some events have more than one presenter, so it would be wonderful if like Jeremy said we could add presenters like venues, and be able to assign one or more to each event

    Thank you 🙂


    #11462 Reply

    Jeremy, Amber,

    This probably won’t make it into the core of the plug-in, but I definitely see a need for it. As such, I’ll look into the making an extension available to add speakers. If you need this sooner rather than later, please get in touch via this form.

    Stephen Harris
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