There seems to be an issue with iCal Sync creating excessive rows in the wp_options table. That table on my site that uses iCal Sync to sync with Google Calendar has 2.52 million rows (and growing) with an option_name similar to jpsq_sync-1488437559.884691-304743-17, and an option_value similar to either
a:5:{i:0;s:14:”wp_insert_post”;i:1;a:3:{i:0;i:21107;i:1;O:7:”WP_Post”:24:{s:2:”ID”;i:21107;s:11:”post_author”;s:3:”160″;s:9:”post_date”;s:19:”2016-05-11 10:53:04″;s:13:”post_date_gmt”;s:19:”2016-05-11 16:53:04″;s:12:”post_content”;s:0:””;s:10:”post_title”;s:27:”Worship and Visual Practice”;s:12:”post_excerpt”;s:0:””;s:11:”post_status”;s:7:”publish”;s:14:”comment_status”;s:6:”closed”;s:11:”ping_status”;s:6:”closed”;s:13:”post_password”;s:0:””;s:9:”post_name”;s:27:”worship-and-visual-practice”;s:7:”to_ping”;s:0:””;s:6:”pinged”;s:0:””;s:13:”post_modified”;s:19:”2017-02-16 08:42:32″;s:17:”post_modified_gmt”;s:19:”2017-02-16 15:42:32″;s:21:”post_content_filtered”;s:0:””;s:11:”post_parent”;i:0;s:4:”guid”;s:58:”http://***/events/worship-and-visual-practice/”;s:10:”menu_order”;i:0;s:9:”post_type”;s:5:”event”;s:14:”post_mime_type”;s:0:””;s:13:”comment_count”;s:1:”0″;s:6:”filter”;s:3:”raw”;}i:2;b:1;}i:2;i:0;i:3;d:1487259752.7384378910064697265625;i:4;b:0;}
The database is currently taking up 1.9GB of space for this account, which is obviously way bigger than necessary.
This site is also getting some connection and timeout errors as a result of this iCal Sync behavior.
John Sundberg
isn’t an Event Organiser option name.
In fact, the iCal sync plug-in does not write to the options table when fetching events.
I would guess that there is another plug-in that is writing to the database when the events are updated, and that this is not cleaning up after itself. (Or, this might be done by the plug-in as part of completely unrelated process).
Stephen Harris
I think you’re right. I should have Googled jpsq_sync- before I wrote in. Looks like a Jetpack issue.
I just assumed it was Event Organiser related since the post types in those DB rows were events.
I’ll follow-up here once I figure out what Jetpack is doing.
John Sundberg
Definitely a Jetpack issue. I deleted those rows from the database, then reconnected Jetpack and things seem to be smoothing out.
Unrelated to this, did you get my email about a license key for iCal Sync after renewing last month?
John Sundberg
Yes – I’ve just sent you a reply.
Stephen Harris