One key and subdomains?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Is it possible to work with only one key and multiple subdomains. We work at the moment with three versions of our website:
    Only the version is public. Can we work with one site pro license or will we need one key for every subdomain?


    #13418 Reply

    Hi Eduard,

    Generally speaking (and unless it is part of a WordPress multisite) you need a separate key for each subdomain.

    However, development / staging / live versions of the same site are considered (for the purposes of support and updates) the same ‘site’. Technically still the key would only be valid on one of the sites, but you’ll be able to use the plug-in on each of the development/staging/live sites. So you would only need the single-site license.

    Stephen Harris
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