One central calendar with multiple instances on separate sites

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions One central calendar with multiple instances on separate sites

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6557 Reply

    I have 5 websites that are related, but different.
    I would like to have one calendar with 5 different categories and then place a calendar linked to one category on each site.
    This way I can have one administrator enter events for all the sites, instead of having to log in to each site to update each site’s events.

    Can WPEO do this?

    Walter White
    #6558 Reply

    Hi Walter,

    Yes: I’m about to launch the add-on iCal Sync. This allows your site to subscribe to an iCal feed and automatically import, and update, the events. So you could have each of your 5 sites subscribe to the main site’s feed (Event Organiser generates an iCal feed for all your events, and feeds for each category and venue).

    In that way your 5 sites would automatically import the events form the main site.

    The caveat here is that iCal feeds do not contain details (apart from the venue name) pertaining to venues – nor various custom fields you may wish to use with events. In these instances you would need to manually enter venue and custom field details.

    Side note: in core there is tenative support for Three WP – which may be more suitable for you. Please see: I say ‘tentative’ because although I know of atleast one person using it, its not been thoroughly tested as provided with ‘ use at your own risk’ health warning.

    Stephen Harris
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