Old Events

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #11851

    A bunch of old events were imported with the Google calendar feed. I just changed the setting to Delete Expired Events automatically. Should that clear out the old events that were imported? Or do I need to delete them and then they’ll be deleted automatically in the future? Thanks!


    Palmetto Cycling Coalition

    Pamela Browne

    Hi Pamela,

    That’s a good point. “Delete expired events” will do just that (periodically). Which means potentially events being synced via iCal will be imported, then shortly after deleted, but then imported again.

    But this will only happen if the event is permanently deleted, rather than just trashed.

    The next update of iCal sync will check the “Delete expired events” option and ignore any completed events.

    Stephen Harris

    Ok, so it looks like I have to leave the old events published. I tried trashing the old events and checking off the Delete Events option. The events do seem to now be repeatedly trashed and republished by the import.

    I’m also getting 404 errors probably because the newly published events are being given a slightly different URL. I’ll uncheck the option and wait for your update.

    Pamela Browne

    Just testing this now, you should expect an update sometime next week.

    Stephen Harris
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