Offer free events

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 months ago.

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  • #43506 Reply


    I have been working with “Event Organiser” for a while but now I need a registration form for my events. Here is the outline:

    • A weekend with around 15 workshops (parallel to each other)

    • The attendees should be able to register for one workshop and enter their names and email address. Maybe a comment, probably no further options

    • All the workshops are free at that point, so I don’t need a<br />
      payment option in the form

    • and the attendee should only be able to register for ONE spot (so it shouldn’t be possible to order multiple tickets)

    Is that possible with the pro version of the plugin?

    Thank you!

    Arne Teubel
    #43511 Reply

    Hi Arne,

    1) You could create these as 15 separate events, or one event with 15 different ticket types.

    2) Name and email are required if the user is not logged-in. You can add additional fields such as text field, but this data is just stored with the booking and displayed in booking admin screen. You can choose to do other things with this data, but you will need to use the plug-in’s API to code that

    3) Free events are supported and don’t require a payment gateway

    4) This isn’t provided for out of the box, however, it’s possible to write some code to implement this. I’m fairly certain I’ve got an example of something similar, but I would need to dig it out

    So all in all, yes the plug-in can support it, but the last requirement will require some code written to meet you needs.

    • This reply was modified 9 months ago by  Stephen Harris.
    Stephen Harris
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