No booking confirmation for last ticket

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug No booking confirmation for last ticket

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dario 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    If you book the last ticket in an event and are then returned from the gateway, no confirmation message is displayed since the “This event has sold out.” message takes precedence.

    The booking was confirmed in the backend, but it seems that an email confirmation was not sent.


    Hi Dario,

    I can confirm the first bug – and I’ll be fixing that shortly.

    As for the second, I cannot replicate that – emails are sent without problem. Have you been able to reproduce it? And is it always & only the last ticket? I’m not sure what environment you’re using it in, but could it be hosts limiting the number of emails sent? If so I wrote up a section on this in:

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen,

    Yeah, the email may be unrelated, but it has generally been working for me… maybe it’s because I booked >500 tickets to get the event sold out (so that I could test the sold out state)? Anyway as I said it normally works, so I’ll test it a bit more.

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