New Database Design in Pro available?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions New Database Design in Pro available?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #19928 Reply

    If I be a weekly entries recurring appointment, then this entry will have repeated so often as I indicated in the database as a whole time.
    Is it for the performance of the Database is not better to introduce a further index for Recurring appointments and to mark this special.

    Over 50 entries in the databse of one Entries, who repeats itself every week …

    Maybe an idea 😉

    #19930 Reply

    Hi Fabi,

    Could you explain your proposal more? I consider the current design to be the most performant possible, but I’m willing to be challenged on that.

    To summarise, each event (recurring or otherwise) is one entry in the wp_posts table. Each event is then linked to one or more dates in the wp_eo_events table. Each record in that table has an ID as a primary column, and indexes on the start and end date/time columns.

    How does your proposal differ from that? And what index do you propose for recurring events?


    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: New Database Design in Pro available?
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