Need Questions Answered Before Buying

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Need Questions Answered Before Buying

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Casey 4 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #32481 Reply

    I want to be able to change the default background color of the calendar view. I also need to change the font-size/family on the calendar view entries. What is the CSS to do this?

    How can I make the map in Open Street hyperlink to some directions?

    If I select a venue and that page comes up – it gives the tab name as 0.

    If I change from template: “Enable theme compatability mode (default)” to “Enable template handling” the contents of my sidebar are stacked below the content when I select venue.

    I don’t want the Events page to be an archive page. I’m fine making my own events page, but I need the events to appear in chronological order of the event date with most recent one first.

    Any answers you can provide are appreciated.

    #32539 Reply


    #eo_admin_calendar .fc-bg {
        background: {colour} !important;
    #eo_admin_calendar a.fc-event {
        font-size: 16px!important;

    Regarding the directions, OSM has this page: – but I’m not sure if they have they have an API exposed you can use. If you do add a link, I would recommend adding a link below the map rather than making the map a link as it may interfere with interacting with the map.

    The page title is theme specific, so I can’t really offer advice with seeing the theme.

    With enable template handling enabled, the plug-in uses its default templates. However, this cannot work with every theme and may require editing. It’s better to either use theme compatibility mode or create your own templates specific to your theme.

    The events page show events in chronological order. If you don’t want to see past events you can disable that in the plug-in’s general settings.

    Stephen Harris
    #32578 Reply

    It made no difference for the color or font size on the calendar. If possible, would like to contact you away from this public forum (email is great).

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