Need a new key

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #12760 Reply

    I purchased your plugin in June of this year. I was going to use it on a website called ‘’. I was given the green light to use this domain from one of the top people in ‘Javita’. The day after I purchased your plugin and installed it, I was told the CEO was not happy that the name ‘Javita’ was being used in the domain name….

    Anyways, I put the project on hold & have now found time to resume it again. I have registered a different domain and I would like to use the plugin I purchased but now the key says it is invalid… how do I get a new key?

    Rob Harris
    #12767 Reply

    Hi Rob,

    Just get in touch with via this form, quoting your license key and the key will be released, and available for use on the new domain.

    Stephen Harris
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