Hi Stephen!
I’ve bought a license some time ago and didn’t renew it because the plugin didn’t had (at the time) the multiple date/times option.
Looking for another plugin with that feature, I found this thread: http://wp-event-organiser.com/blog/announcements/custom-times-occurrences/ so I would be glad to buy a license again (we were happy with EO, we just needed the multiple time/dates thing) but I need to ask you if 3.0 version with that feature is coming in the near future… because I need multiple recurrence on the same date and different times. We’re relaunching our site and is a must for us.
Pablo Molinari
Hi Pablo,
I need multiple recurrence on the same date and different times
To clarify, the roadmap on the linked to post, I’m afraid 3.0.0 will still have the caveat of ‘only occurrence per day’. Unfortunately there is no ETA for removing that caveat.
The problem is not so much an architectural one (it is possible) but a user interface issue: the add/remove occurrences feature and Pro in several places allows you to select a particular event’s date (or multiple dates) using a datepicker. This can only work if a date can be mapped to a specific occurrence.
Stephen Harris
Ok! Got your point.
So, what’s the current state of this feature? Can I have multiple times for the same event as long as each time is on a different date?
Let’s say:
A) Monday 8 pm, Wednesday 5 pm, Saturday 10 pm – Possible.
B) Monday 8 pm, Monday 5 pm, Saturday 10 pm – Unpossible
Is that how the plugin is working now?
Pablo Molinari
Yes, once enabled (in 3.0.0, it won’t be needed to manually enable this feature).
Stephen Harris