multiple bookings – campsite

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #9158 Reply

    Requirements for me to consider purchase.
    Ability to:
    1. add fields
    2. have groups of people “purchasing” ,using total number of attendees in that group to fall under 1 of 2 price categories (same category
    would apply to all within that group. In other words, at a campsite, Group A would fall under price category “1” with one total $ to be
    paid for that group. Total would be calculated using number of people in the group X cost category A)
    3. Ability to show calendar as either being available or “Fully Booked”. This does not have to be calculated, just having the
    ability to manually set that in the calendar (colored dates with legend?)
    Can the pro version do this?

    #9161 Reply

    Hi Arn,

    1. You can add custom booking fields (see
    2. You can have multiple ‘tickets’ available. And (unless in Simple Booking Mode) a single booking can contain any number of tickets (up to availability). In your case you could have multiple tickets: “Category 1”, “Category 2”, etc. And the bookee could set the quantity of tickets they want. It’s possible, with a bit of custom code, to prevent multiple categories to be used.
    3. This isn’t done by default, but is certainly possible with some custom code.

    I’d be happy to offer assistance with regards to the custom code. (In fact I’ll write up a tutorial on (3)).

    The topic title mentions this is for a campsite. I should point out, in case of any confusion, that Pro is intended to allow you to sell tickets to events and not book an arbitrary period, e.g. a holiday booking.

    Stephen Harris
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