Multi-Currency Pre-sales

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #23555 Reply


    I am using your free version at the moment and am looking into the pro version to allow me to sell my events online.

    My main question is the ability to have multiple currencies.

    I run events in multiple countries, so what I want is if the event is in Australia I want them to be charged $2000 Australian dollars and for South African events I want them to be charged 10 000 Rand.

    I am not too worried about what is shown of the event page or their emails as I can just have a little notice saying “please be aware prices for this location are charged in xxx currency’.

    I am more concerned that when they go through to Stripe they are charged the right price because I don’t want someone who is attending a South African course charged $10 000AUD as that is a lot more money than 10 000 Rand.

    Would I be able to do this?


    #23565 Reply

    Hi Caitlyn,

    Unfortunately the currency is a site-wide setting and can’t be configured on an event basis.

    Stephen Harris
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