Mid-Sale Question

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #14354 Reply

    Hello, I purchased the custom venue markers add-on and the Paypal transaction still shows as pending. So I can’t download it yet.
    I (thought I) completed the transaction on Friday. Any idea why it would still be “pending”

    Jon Wilson
    #14359 Reply

    Hi Jon,

    I’m afraid there’s no log of any errors, but for whatever reason the transaction was never completed, and you haven’t been charged. Any error message may have been displayed at the time, but this hasn’t been logged. Alternatively it may have been that (for whatever reason) you weren’t returned to the site for the payment to be settled after providing PayPal with payment details/account.

    My only suggestion is to try the checkout again..

    Stephen Harris
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