Dear Stephen,
Thanks for your response. I’ve switched over to a backed-up version of the site that uses 1.5.7. That seemed the easiest solution, and it’s absolutely fine for our purposes.

Christopher Whitehouse
Except that…
When I now add a new event, the date is accepted but not acted on – ie the event displays with the correct venue map, but without any date, and is chronologically out of sequence when listed. Events previously entered are unaffected – unless they are subsequently amended.
I’ve found a way of getting round the problem, but it isn’t elegant: upgrade to 1.6.1; input the new event; then reinstall 1.5.7 to get the base tabs formatting correctly again!
So if you’re able to come up with a way of sorting the base tabs conflict, that would be great from a longer-term point of view.
Many thanks,

Christopher Whitehouse
Hi Christopher,
This is just a straight forward CSS conflict. There are issues that will need to be addressed, but an immediate fix is to replace lines 380-286 (see source) in class-eventorganiser-shortcodes.php
with the following:
if( !empty(self::$map) || !empty(self::$widget_calendars) ):
wp_enqueue_script( 'eo_qtip2');
wp_enqueue_script( 'eo_front');
if(!empty(self::$calendars) ):
wp_enqueue_script( 'eo_qtip2');
wp_enqueue_script( 'eo_front');
Let me know if this resolves it for you, and if so I’ll include the patch in 1.6.2

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
The patch wasn’t successful, I’m afraid.
My instinct is that the problem is map-related for two reasons:
(1) because the only line of Event-Organiser code behind the webpage that I cited originally is [eo_venue_map venue=”st-anne-and-st-agnes” height=”200px” width=”100%”]. As you probably spotted, this isn’t an “event” page at all – it was just useful to be able to show a map of the venue where we hold auditions on it;
and (2) because the base tabs format correctly on “event” pages that don’t show a map – ie the vast majority, as we only show maps on pages where the event hasn’t yet taken place, using the code ))
But I could be wrong, and I’m not a programmer, so this may not be you the sort of help you need to find your way through. Let me know if there’s any other information that would be useful.

Christopher Whitehouse
PS the line of code that went missing from that message is

Christopher Whitehouse
Third time lucky: ?php if ($date_format == ‘j F Y g:ia’) echo do_shortcode(‘[eo_venue_map width=”100%”]’); ? (between, obviously)

Christopher Whitehouse
Hi Christopher,
The reason is that the CSS is being loaded on that map page for the tooltips. The only other instances where the CSS is needed/loaded is for the fullCalendar and agenda widget. So other pages are not affected. I should imagine this would also cause problems with your theme – hence this is only a ‘quick fix’. I will need to make other alterations to reduce the chance of a theme conflict…

Stephen Harris
So for some reason it seems the CSS is still loading… could you try commenting out the line:

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
Commenting out that line didn’t help, I’m afraid.
I wouldn’t worry too much about creating a patch. We only put on six or seven events a year, so I don’t upload new ones all that often, and re-installing 1.5.7 is very easy on our hosting platform. But a longer-term solution would obviously be great as and when you manage to devise one.

Christopher Whitehouse