Manage participants?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #8499 Reply

    Hi there

    I’ve been trying out your great plugin, but still miss some features.

    I’m the webmaster of a Pipes’n’Drums webpage, and we need some kind of calendar plugin on which the wordpress-members can assign to a specific job (like: i’m coming / I cannot come etc) – but I cant seeme to find such feature anywhere!

    Could it be included in the pro-version, or does it require enormous extra coding? šŸ™‚



    #8508 Reply

    Hi Morten,

    we need some kind of calendar plugin on which the wordpress-members can assign to a specific job (like: iā€™m coming / I cannot come etc)

    I may have misunderstood the question but are you after a feature will allows users to quickly register the fact that their attending? If so you can allow users to register their attendance, but there’s no feature to register the fact that they are not attending.

    To allow user to ‘register their attendance’ you can simply create an event with one ticket (free or paid) – and then users can register their attendance by booking a ticket. ( “Simple Booking Mode” simplifies the booking form somewhat and restricts the user to booking only one ticket at a time) ,

    If you wanted something more like Facebook’s invitations, accept/decline model (which isn’t included by Pro) – I’m aware of someone who has used Pro, along with bbPress to achieve something just like that. If that seems like a too much coding, I could put you in touch with them, they might be free to do some freelance work for you.

    Stephen Harris
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