Login for recurring Users to prevent additional filling of Data

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Login for recurring Users to prevent additional filling of Data

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #23850 Reply

    Hi ,

    we have a customer wich looks for an event management system wich could – also – handle the situation that user wich often books an event could login to the system, so that they not for everey event-booking must fill there Eventregistration data again.
    Was that possible with your system?

    Bye Thomas

    Thomas Bunte
    #23851 Reply

    Hi Thomas,

    Yes – the plug-in has options to ensure that a user has an account to make a booking, or that they can create an account when they make a booking. A logged-in user making a booking will not have to enter their name or e-mail address, but they will still need to enter details for any custom fields you add.

    With a bit of custom developed, it would be possible to pre-fill those custom fields with the user’s last entered details (again, assuming they are logged in).

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Login for recurring Users to prevent additional filling of Data
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