List of venues & category of venues

This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6471 Reply

    I need page, where i can see all existing venues and sort them by categories (like simple posts). What should i do?

    #6490 Reply

    Hi iBasher,

    To create a page listing venues see this tutorial and this gist.

    But if you want to query venues by meta data (including ‘country’, ‘state’ and ‘city’) you’ll need to get Pro which supports better venue queries.

    I’m not sure what you mean by ‘sort them by categories’ as you can’t do that for normal posts either…

    Anyway, please keep in mind this a ‘pre-sales’ forum, and I only offer anything more than quick support to Pro customers.

    Stephen Harris
    #6494 Reply

    Sorry, my english is not so good yet 🙂

    I just need query venues by categories (like pubs, bars, cafe, fastfood….)
    i hope that i`m correct 🙂

    #6495 Reply

    You’re English is good :).

    You’ll need to purchase Pro to achieve that. Then you you can use the Venue custom fields metabox to store, say the ‘type’ or ‘category’ of venue: ‘bar’, ‘cafe’ etc (as the meta value),

    Then you you’ll be able to query venues by their ‘category’ say, (see

     //Get all venues with 'category' set to 'bar'
     $venue_query = array(
           'key' => 'category',
           'value' => 'bar',
           'compare' => '='
     $bars = eo_get_venues( array( 'meta_query' => $venue_query ) );

    The plug-in doesn’t automatically create pages for these categories, but tutorial/gist I linked to in my previous reply show how you can you do that.

    Stephen Harris
    #6505 Reply

    Thanks. I`m making this site only for practice, but now i see, that everything is possible and easy. So will purchase Pro when really need this feature (soon, i hope 🙂 )
    Thanks again!

    #6550 Reply

    Seems like i need this features now.

    Need query venues like here (like i said before – all venues is in WP categories). And need to list of events-in-this-venue inside the single venue page.

    Will you help me with setting-up this features after i get Pro? I`m kind of dummy with php 🙂

    #6552 Reply

    I’m confused, venues are not post types, so they cannot be assigned WordPress categories unfortunately. With Pro, however, you can assign a meta key-value pairs (for example, ‘category’ meta key and the venue’s category: ‘bar’ / ‘cafe’ / ‘museum’ ) as a meta value. You can then query by meta value too.

    Regarding helping you set it up – it really depends on how much input you need from me I’m afraid. I can offer code snippets, and help with debugging – and the developer license affords you greater level of input – but if you need to me to actually produce something for you – or , then I’m afraid that falls out of the scope of the support.

    I can certainly help you get started with it though – but tweaking it and finalising it will have to be left to you. (Also, see this gist which creates a venue archive page – it would be a matter detecting which category is being requested and changing the query accoridingly).

    Stephen Harris
    #6553 Reply

    Now looking for some money. 🙂
    Today, i hope will find.

    One more small question:
    Need a simple button for event Going/not going with a counter. Is it possible?
    Login is via Facebook (if you need this info)

    #6559 Reply

    Need a simple button for event Going/not going with a counter. Is it possible? Login is via Facebook

    No, unfortunately not.

    Stephen Harris
    #6577 Reply

    Have an idea to transform like button into Going/not going. If i right, they have same code and i need just change visual part.

    #6607 Reply

    Got Pro finally. Where should i ask my qestions for quick support?

    Iurii Smuglov
    #6609 Reply

    Hi Iurii – you should have access to all parts of the forum now – so ask on the General Questions and I’ll check back later.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: List of venues & category of venues
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