Limit individual booking to one ticket

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Limit individual booking to one ticket

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Patrick 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #9435 Reply

    Hi there,
    Very impressed with Event Organiser so far. I’ve been playing around in the Pro demo, and I have a question about ticket quantity and booking caps.

    Is it possible to limit the number of tickets available for purchase in an individual booking instance? Due to the nature of my event, it would make the most sense to customers if each attendee could only purchase one ticket. The only options I’ve found so far are for capping of cumulative sales.

    Thank you!

    #9436 Reply

    Wow, 5 minutes later and what have I found browsing the tutorials section?

    It seems you’ve thought of everything! =) I revoke my question.

    Thanks again,

    #9444 Reply

    Yup ;).

    That code snippet actually prevents users from booking more than once too (as well as limiting it to one ticket per booking) – but that needn’t be the case.

    The plug-in comes with ticket-picker template, so you can quickly change the numeric-input to a checkbox or radio input as appropriate.

    For those you just want a ‘one click’ booking you can enable Simple Booking Mode: Enabling that restricts the user to 1 ticket purchase (without any code required). But it doesn’t prevent additional bookings by the same user.

    Hope that helps :).

    Stephen Harris
    #31468 Reply

    Hi, can you tell me how to show a message like “You have already an actual booking for this event!” if booking form is hidden after (first) booking?

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