lightbox style pop-up for events

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Edwin 5 years ago.

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  • #13550 Reply

    Hello, I have a client who needs a month calendar but then instead of going to the template file the day’s event would pop-up in a lightbox/colorbox type pop-up. Does this sound possible?

    Dave White
    #13574 Reply

    Hi Dave, this isn’t a feature in Pro, and while it’s possible to create a calendar with a modal/lightbox, the existing calendar wasn’t designed for this, so (while possible) it would take a bit of effort to adapt it for this use case.

    Stephen Harris
    #25063 Reply

    Hi Steve,

    I know this post is old but is this possible now after 2 years. I have a similar need as the author of this post.

    would like all events to popup in a lightbox.


    Mel Fisher
    #25090 Reply

    You would need to listen for an on-click event on the calendar and use evt.preventDefault() (assuming you’re using jQuery) to prevent the link from being followed. But as for actually how to open the lightbox and populate it’s content, I’m afraid I am not that familiar with lightbox.

    Stephen Harris
    #25095 Reply

    Hi Steven,

    Thanks for the fast reply as usual… I will research this more and check with some lightbox plugins and ask how they make it work with Event Manager and The Event Calendar by the Tribe.

    The two features that keep coming up for me are the lightbox and the ability to put events in a slider…. I will keep digging into this and let you know what I come up with.

    Thanks Mel

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  Mel Fisher.
    Mel Fisher
    #37489 Reply

    Does anybody has a solution to open a link in lightbox instead of redirecting to the page ?

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