License Needed for Single Site with PayPal Integration

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions License Needed for Single Site with PayPal Integration

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #25127 Reply


    What license would I need for a single client website with PayPal Website Standard integration?

    Can future monthly events be set up to auto-publish?

    Can events be set to automatically close?



    #25146 Reply

    Hi Noel,

    What license would I need for a single client website with PayPal Website Standard integration?

    Event Organiser Pro – personal, business or developer license – it simply depends on how many sites you want to use the key on (the business and developer licenses also bundle other plugins for free, but bookings and PayPal integration are part of Pro).

    Can future monthly events be set up to auto-publish?

    You can schedule events to publish as you do posts, but you can’t schedule individual dates to publish. If you publish a monthly event, all dates are published (there is after-all only one page for all dates of an event)

    Can events be set to automatically close?

    Bookings can be scheduled to close. Events that have no future dates can be automatically deleted.

    I hope that answers your questions.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: License Needed for Single Site with PayPal Integration
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