License handling

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #14024 Reply

    Greetings 🙂

    I would like to inquire about how you handle licensing, since I hope to pre-empt an issue that may arise out of the way our development workflow is set up.

    Let me explain.


    We have a development site on a developer machine that is being coded on. Let’s call it localhost.
    Additionally, we have an online preview site at and of course the primary production site at
    Using the backup plugin Updraft+, we move copies of the code and database between these sites.


    Say for example I have developed something on localhost and activated EO, and I want to move it to for approval before moving it into producion on


    If the licensing is tied to the site url, won’t EO have a fit and refuse to run the pro version if I move the activated localhost code and database to a new URL?

    So I guess my question is two-fold:

    Is licensing tied to the site URL, and will it therefore cause problems in a setup like the one described above?

    Is there any way you can accommodate a development workflow like the one described?

    Hans Czajkowski Jørgensen
    #14025 Reply

    Hi Hans,

    In short, yes it can accommodate your workflow. I’m assuming here that no updates actually occur on the preview and live sites, but instead are done on your development site before being pushed out to the preview/live sites. That is, on the preview/live site, no-one is going to go to Plug-ins > Add New or the updates page on the preview/live site (or at least try and install/update the purchased plug-in). If that’s the case, use the key on the development site.

    As in the terms & conditions – live, staging and development sites (where they reflect the same site) are considered one site. For technical reasons each count towards the key site limit (Keys are tied to IP/url pairs) – which is why I suggest using the key only on the development site. The plug-in should work fine on all three.

    Stephen Harris
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