
This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years ago.

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  • #21126 Reply

    we operate the one website in multiple countries in various domains
    (eg.,,, etc.) we did this because language issues.
    What licence we should purchase?
    Is it enough to get it for 1 site, please?
    Thank you!

    #21132 Reply

    Hi Radim,

    One site means one WordPress installation. So if each of those domains map to the same installation then yes, you’ll only need a single site license.

    Stephen Harris
    #21143 Reply


    I’m afraid that the websites are not only mapping from that domains to one,
    but there is a copy of WordPress on each domain.
    But the copies are exactly the same as the first one.
    So still I am little confused what license we should purchase for us.

    Thank you for your clarification.

    #21146 Reply

    Hi Radim,

    Unfortunately you would need a licence key for each of the sites, as they’ll be identified as seperate installations. How many sites do you have? Please get in touch via this form: and I’ll see if we can do something for you.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Licence
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