Information about each recurring meeting?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Information about each recurring meeting?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #36740 Reply

    I need to be able to setup a recurring meeting for each Monday, and then override/modify the description on a per-meeting basis for upcoming meetings.

    Example: I am working on a website for my local Toastmaster Club. I create a recurring event from 6.45pm to 8.15pm every Monday from 11/25/2019 to 12/31/2020. This is for our weekly meeting.
    I enter a generic description about the meeting, then use the calendar to remove the meetings for December 2 and December 23. This all works perfectly fine today, even in the free version.
    Bun now I need to edit certain meetings and update the description for the meeting on 11/25/2019 with some additional info. That meeting is a competition, so I need to remove some text and add some new text to the description, but I only want it to be displayed for this date.
    For other meetings I want to go in a few weeks before each meeting and add information about the meeting’s theme, and who will be speaking at the meeting.
    Is this possible to do?

    #36753 Reply

    Hi ,

    No, if you want a different description for each occurrence you would need to create a separate event.

    One way of achieving this is to create the recurring event with the default information. Then, when you want to give a particular date a separate description ‘break’ that occurrence out of the series. You can do this in the free version.

    That removes the event series and establishes it as a separate event, with its own description, venue and url etc.

    Stephen Harris
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