Individual Events Not Found

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Harlan 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #5436

    Hi…I’ve got the plugin installed on a website, and it appears to be working correctly, up until the point that it navigates to a single event page. When I rollover a link on the calendar view, it shows the correct link for the post, but once it’s clicked, it goes to my 404 page.

    I’ve refreshed the permalinks for both the site as a whole and the EO. Nothing seems to change. Always the 404 page. I have copied the single-event.php template file into my theme, but have made no changes to the file as of yet, because it won’t even render it as is.

    Any ideas?


    A 404 would be a problem with the url rather than the template. Does the event appear if you use the format[event_slug]. If so, that confirms its an url rewrite issue.

    Assuming its an url-rewrite issue, you can use Monkeyman Rewrite Analyzer to determine why WordPress is incorrectly interpreting the url – it could be that you are using the same structure for events and event categories/venues.

    What are the permalink structures you are using?

    Stephen Harris

    It does seem to be something with the rewrite rules. I’m not sure what exactly is going on…but I was able to see the event when I used the structure you provided above. I switched my permalinks to the default structure, and it all seems to work now. I’ll look into the Rewrite Analyzer to see if I can find a way to go back to pretty permalinks.

    Thanks for the quick feedback. This is a great plugin. I really appreciate it.

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