In Add new Event – Venue drop-down not working

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions In Add new Event – Venue drop-down not working

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years ago.

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  • #32563 Reply

    I’m evaluating this software in preparation to purchase, but have encountered an issue. In the Add new Event screen there is an option to assign a venue (previously created venue) to an event – however when I click the down arrow to select the venue, nothing happens. Just get a spinning load icon.

    Would like to know why this is not working.

    (BTW – We currently use The Event Calendar Pro but find it crashes our websites everytime we need to update and is slowing down our websites. So would really like to move to a light weight, simple calendar without bugs!)

    #32614 Reply

    Hi Susan,

    The venue-selection feature works fine generally, I think there might be something specfici to your set up here. To help debug this, first open your browser console (f12 on most browsers, or right-click and select inspect element – and switch to ‘console’). Then go to the event admin page or refresh the page. If you attempt to select a venue, do you get an error message in the console? What about the ‘network’ tab?

    Stephen Harris
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