Import of Eventdata

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #19778 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    I’d love to use your plugins for showing events in my hometown munich, germany.
    What I have is a database with all data.
    I can’t figure out how I can import events into wordpress and your plugin.

    One way would be with iCal:
    But with iCal I can’t specify street, city, zipcode…
    And as far as I can see your plugin ignores the “GEO:”-iCal field.

    Thanks a lot,

    #19796 Reply

    Hi Bernhard,

    Currently iCal import is perhaps the best method. Unfortunately iCal feeds do not contain much structure for venues (e.g. to denote address or city), but as you’ve pointed out they do support a GEO tag: latitude/longitude co-ordinates.

    Event Organiser does support GEO tags (see

    Event Organiser CSV is an effort to allow a more comprehensive support of event & venue data. However, it doesn’t yet support venue meta data.

    Stephen Harris
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