iCal Update Plugin

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #7318 Reply

    I think this is what I have been waiting for… My first question is, “Can I use it to sync calendars from multiple sites?”

    So, if i have Event Organiser installed on 5 sites. Can I only allow editing of the calendar on one site and use this plugin to auto-import events from the one main site?

    If the answer is yes, can I import only specific categories? For example, our main site would have all categories, but our sports site would only import sports events from our main site. Our news site would only import Community Events. Etc…

    If this type of scenario is not yet possible, can you consider for the next release?

    Dave Navarro
    #7319 Reply

    Also, there is a major flaw in the import system that I want to point out…

    It does not allow me to set the category(s) for imported feeds. I want to override anything embedded in the feed itself. Without that, I end up with feeds that are uncategorized and/or in the wrong category.

    Dave Navarro
    #7347 Reply

    Hi Dave,

    I posted a reply on the .org forums, so I thought I’d copy it here as well.

    Yes it does. Event Organiser produces an iCal feed (if enabled) for your events, so one site can subscribe to another. Each category of each site will have their own iCal feed too: [category url]/feed/eo-events. For example: http://wp-event-organiser.com/demo/events/category/football/feed/eo-events

    The same is also true for venues.

    An option to over-ride the event’s category on import shall be included in the next version of iCal sync.

    Stephen Harris
    #7474 Reply

    Any update on when the next version will be out? My client really needs this as they have roughly 20+ feeds and importing into a previously or new category is vital.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  Dario Monaco.
    Dario Monaco
    #7751 Reply

    This update will be out at some point this week. You can import to a particular category, or use the category-specified feeds. Optionally you can also set the status of imported events.

    Stephen Harris
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