ical link for single event and 2 other questions

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions ical link for single event and 2 other questions

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #14276 Reply

    I love the free plugin and it does most of what I needed. I’m considering purchasing just for the rsvp function, but need to know some things before I do.

    1. I really need to be able to add a link to each event so that a
      visitor might add that event to their google calendar or iphone
      calendar. So far I can’t see that functionality, although in the
      wordpress support forums it’s mentioned as being expected in the 2.6
      version. I know that people can subscribe to a feed, but seriously,
      if I’m visiting a website and am interested in just one event they
      are holding, I don’t really want to subscribe to their feed just to
      add that one single event to my google calendar!
    2. My organization
      does outreach events for our community that are “manned” by
      volunteer club members. I want a way for those members to see an
      outreach event on the calendar with a mention of how many volunteers
      are needed, have the member be able to rsvp as a volunteer and have
      other members be able to see who has volunteered and if they are
      also needed. **So I want rsvp lists to be visible from front end.**
      I saw on another post that this was also expected to be available in
      a previous version. I just want to make sure it is.
    3. This question
      might be more of a suggestion… My organization is in the USA and I
      just know that I’m going to get a lot of complaints/comments on the
      date format. Of course my wordpress installation is configured for
      US protocols but there are still many instances where the date is
      not as my audience is used to seeing. Is there an option to change
      this? I read in another thread from a while ago that one can make
      changes in several plugin files to change this but I’m wondering if
      this feature has also been addressed in the pro version and if not,
      how to go about making changes that won’t be wiped out with each
      version update?

    Thanks for any info.

    #14286 Reply

    Hi Cindi,

    1. Yes, this is the subscribe shortcode. Please note for recurring events, this adds all dates. There is a function which can be used to generate an “add to google” link for specific dates. Both of these are in the free version.

    2. There is a function for retrieving ‘bookings’, which would allow yout list volunteers (or ‘bookees’). There is a code snippet here – which does a bit more than you require (solely for the purpose of demonstrating the API). There is also these example which you can place inside your theme’s functions.php or a utility plug-in to add a list of the bookees/volunteers to your event’s page.

    3. By default the time format should be the one set by your site’s settings. Sometimes, as in the case calendar or time-input, the time is displayed in one of two formats (12 hour / 24 hour). In those cases, if your site is using a 12 hour format, then so should the calendar, and vice versa*. The event page templates use the site time format too.. Currently the templates hardcode the date part of the event datetime. This shall change, but it is waiting for a major update – 3.0 – (as its shall change current behaviour). If you want to change this you can edit the template (copy it into your theme first so your changes aren’t lost when updating the plug-in).

    * The plug-in tries to determine whether your entered time format is a 12 or 24 hour format. If it’s wrong you can ‘correct’ it.

    Stephen Harris
    #21697 Reply

    The documentation on the subscribe shortcake isn’t clear:

    Does the subscribe link that’s generated (I’m not concerned whether it’s google, webcam, or ical) create a subscription to the entire calendar? Or just to an event?

    Are there ways of linking to separate calendar feeds? For example:

    1. A link to subscribe to the entire calendar.
    2. A link to subscribe to only those events in a single category.
    3. A link to add a specific event to your calendar.

    (To be clear, I’d like to be able to do all three.)

    Josh Mason-Barkin
    #21706 Reply

    Hi Josh,

    All three are possible (though for the latter it is event and not particular a date, in case the event is recurring).

    The subscribe shortcode creates a link for the entire calendar (but you can specify a venue/category).

    For the last one, simply take the event URL and append /feed/eo-events

    Stephen Harris
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