Ical imports the same events when set to daily update.

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums iCal Extension Ical imports the same events when set to daily update.

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    I have the ical add-on up and running,but also by a mere trial and error. So i have 5.000 events according to the event list but they are just 200 unique and there easy are in concept (doubles.
    Is there an easy way to delete them all and start anew ?

    Erik Schott

    Hi Erik,

    Can you provide a link to the iCal source feed?

    Event Organiser will first look for an existing event with the same UID before attempting to create a new event. So there are two possibilities here:

    1) The feed doesn’t generate consistent UID for its events (i.e. an event is given two different UIDs for two different requests). Simply inspecting the response to different requests usually identifies this problem. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done in the case, it is a bug in the application which creates the feed.

    2) There is a plugin installed preventing the iCal extension from ‘seeing’ the existing event. This might be the case with some membership plug-ins or restricted content plugins. In this case, usually, if you perform a manual sync the problem is temporarily corrected – but this helps indicate that this is indeed the course. This issue is a bug with the membership/restricted-content plugin, but is at least fixable.

    Stephen Harris
    Erik Schott

    In addition when i installed the plugin on another website, i get the following error:
    Forbidden. Response code: 403.
    Canyon help out.

    Erik Schott

    Hi Erik,

    Visiting that URL I get a 403 error: “Wrong token – Not all HTTP Basic Auth credentials set”. The iCal feed will need to be publicly available for you to be able to subscribe to it. It appears to require authentication, and this would explain the 403, but not the original problem.

    Stephen Harris

    Stephen, I just build myself a small home server – linux with wordpress. Installed both the plugins.
    Yes, i do get the same error if i enter the adres in the browser, but when i activated the ical plugin, entered the string https://dekoepel:B2rvhR9JVqd5mg8j63EP7y4uYsK@api.e-golf4u.nl/wedstrijd/ical?date_from=2016-01-01&date_to=2016-12-31
    it works.

    So no1 is that the sites which did not work have maybe a strict security rule and i am looking into it. Or something is wrong with the username and group settings for wordpress ?
    I can give you acces to my external server, as it only hosts the calendar at this time and is purely for testing the production server.

    It also works on an other external server – see this link: calender de koepel
    However, the first time I fetch data, it is all in draft. The second time when i changed the feed settings and assign a category and venue and repeatedly fetch data, the data shown is ok, but the size of the trash is growing each time with the amount of schedules which are imported.
    Is this ok ? And is there a way to empty the trash ?

    Erik Schott

    Solved the import issue. Had to install curl on those servers. They are low level servers with minimal linux.
    Now what remains is the issue of the trash growing by import and / or how to delete a batch of events, preferably not by the all events page going bag by page
    Your help is much appreciated.


    Erik Schott

    Hi Erik,

    If your trash is growing on each import that suggests that the iCal source feed is not creating consistent UIDs. These are used to identify an event. When the plug-in syncs with an iCal feed it checks for these UIDs: any missing events are added, and existing events are updated. If there are any previously imported events which no longer exist in the feed (as identified by the UID) these are deleted.

    If the feed is generating new UIDs each sync then all events are deleted and new ones created each sync. There is no way around this unfortunately: it’s a bug with whichever application is creating the feeds.

    You can ’empty’ the trash manually (there’s an ’empty’ trash button when viewing trashed events), or you can configure the trash to empty itself more regularly: https://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Empty_Trash

    Stephen Harris
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