iCal import with custom fields

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #31217 Reply


    We’ve been happily using Event Organiser for a few sites and I also purchased the FE submissions extension in the past.

    We are now looking at solutions to maintain a calendar in a multisite install, with syndication of events between sub-sites based on certain parameters. We need to add a few custom fields and at least one custom taxonomy to the defaults available in EO.

    My question is – assuming we can override the iCal feed template either in our theme or own extension – can the iCal importer extension read in the custom fields/taxonomies? If not by default, is there a hook we can use to do it?


    Heidi H
    #31218 Reply

    Hi Heidi,

    Yes it can. There are hooks in place that allow you to parse custom iCal properties (that would otherwise be ignored by the plug-in). The iCal template using by the plug-in templates/ical.php can be copied to your theme and edited to include the desired properties.

    Stephen Harris
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