iCal extension memory requirements

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums iCal Extension iCal extension memory requirements

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  A Daley 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    Is there a memory requirement for running the iCal extension? I got iCal extension running again after getting help from the forum with license and immediately got another memory issue on my VPS. Host reported that “exceeded the memory allocation that you’ve established.” This is with 1 gig scalable to 3 on the server of ram. The only thing that changed was reactivating iCal and poster board extensions which I had turned off for the same reason previously.

    I am syncing only one feed from a google calendar with several recurring events.

    So I am curious did a miss something in terms of the memory needed to run the iCal extension?
    Thanks for your help.

    A Daley

    There’s no minimum memory requirements, but the more memory that is available to PHP to the larger iCal files you can sync with.

    It’s important to note that your server’s RAM is not the same as the memory allocated to PHP, so you may want to consider increasing the memory allocated to PHP if you need to handle a particular large iCal file.

    You may also want to see what your memory is usage is like when you’re not doing a sync. If you’re close to limit already, then the issue might be a heavy plug-in or theme, rather than needing more memory to handle syncs.

    If you have control over the source feed, deleting past events can help (though if you have elected in Settings > Event Organiser > General to delete expired events, the plug-in will try to avoid importing/updating past events in the first place)

    Stephen Harris

    The php memory allocation is set to 256M. Ran p3 performance before reactivating iCal extension and nothing came up. And for the period of time that the plugin and extension were not activated about ten days the warning from host about memory stopped. Once I reactivated yesterday came back again. Could it be the size of the calendar. Maybe I will try with another to see if that makes a different but right now it is not functioning.

    A Daley
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