iCal Extension / Facebook Events feed

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions iCal Extension / Facebook Events feed

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #18579 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    Can the iCal extension import an events feed from a public Facebook page?

    Does the plugin have instructions for it in the readme files etc.

    best wishes

    Charlotte Kitto
    #18597 Reply

    Hi Charlotte,

    If a facebook page has a public iCal url then yes – but unfortunately I couldn’t determine whether it indeed does (all posts I’ve seen regarding this are very dated, and it appears even when Facebook does expose an iCal url it makes it intentionally hard to find).

    In short, I don’t know. Sorry!

    Stephen Harris
    #18599 Reply

    I found an alternative events plugin which I just tested and it does the job (EME). I will have to use that this time. Shame, I like working with your code.

    Charlotte Kitto
    #19591 Reply


    I can’t understand why it doesn’t work. While I got it to work with my personal Facebook Events, it doesn’t work with the Events of another person. Gmail and Outlook seem to read the link perfectly.

    Paul Wagner
    #19630 Reply

    Hi Paul,

    Can you provide the link of the iCal feed? And do you see an error message relating to importing the feed?

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: iCal Extension / Facebook Events feed
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