how to show rsvp/booking button to each single-event.php

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Frontend Submissions how to show rsvp/booking button to each single-event.php

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Webmaster CCC 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #26862

    I haven’t been able to set this up so on each single-event.php page, there is a rsvp/sign up button. These are the steps I’ve taken:

    1. I went to Settings > Event Organiser >> Booking Form tab and create a form.
    2. Click on the Bookings and set up my paypal. (I dont need this since the event is free, but it was mentioned in the guide).
      1. I went back to the FES form and add the “Event Tickets” button: event-ticket.jpg
      2. However, the “event buttons” for “Add tickets” is not visible on my web form. It is at this location:

    What happen? Should I add the short code straight into the single-event.php page with <?php do_shortcode(“”)?> inside “the loop”? How is it not displaying in my web form?

    Any hints will help. I am trying to get people to “RSVP” for each event on the single-event.php page. Which looks like this:

    Webmaster CCC

    The page isn’t loading any of the plug-in javascript files (or CSS files for that matter). (Notice also the event date fields are just standard fields, rather than datepickers). Are you aware of any reason why plug-in JS/CSS files are not loading? Does your theme call wp_footer(); in the footer?

    Stephen Harris

    I’ve made a custom footer-riseup.php template and custom header-riseup.php for the event. It has custom styling, since I copied the single-event.php template from your plugin folder. I must have forgot to include the js code. No, I don’t need any css code since I’m using my own theme. That explains why the google map are not loading on the front-end but is loading on the dashboard. Where would I go in your plugin folder to grab the js files?

    Webmaster CCC

    You are right! wp_footer is not called. However, there weren’t any broken js files in my chrome devtool that I’ve seen. It would make sense that you have assets for js scripts. I thought the plugin would load that already in its own functions.php file in the plugin.

    Webmaster CCC

    See line 87-89 of my code for single-event.php here:

    This is not the correct way to query the taxonomy ‘name’ from the custom post type ‘event’ in the ‘loop’

    /* THIS WORKS */
     <?php if ( eo_get_venue()) : ?> 
                <?php $tax = get_taxonomy( 'event-venue' ); ?>
  • Location: <?php eo_venue_name(); ?>
  • <?php endif; ?> /* THIS ALSO WORKS FOR CUSTOM POST META for Host Organization */ <?php if ( get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'eo_host_org', true )) { ?>
  • Host Organization: <?php echo esc_html( get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'eo_host_org', true) ); ?>
  • <?php } ?> /* THIS DOES NOT WORK BC IT IS A TAXONOMY 'NAME' , HOW SHOULD I QUERY? */ <?php if ( get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), 'name' ) ) { ?> Point Person Name: <?php echo get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(),'name', '', ', ', '' ); ?> <?php } ?>

    the site is here with listing of events if you want to see the front end:

    for sample of individual event:

    The label from ‘Name’ is just renamed to ‘Point Person Name’, but this intended purpose. Now how would I query the tax name:

    Webmaster CCC

    also, to reply to your event field. it is not datepicker, but actually from this:

    <ul class="eo-event-meta">
               <?php if ( ! eo_recurs() ) { ?>
                 <!-- Single event -->
  • <?php esc_html_e( 'Date', 'eventorganiser' );?>: <?php echo eo_format_event_occurrence();?>
  • <?php } ?>

    All of the events are May 1, 2017 because I have hard coded the JS in the form to set this date by default. (Political 1-day only campaign).

    Webmaster CCC

    I thought the plugin would load that already in its own functions.php file in the plugin.

    The plug-in can only load JS assets through WordPress’ queuing system. It register the scripts with WordPress and then tells them if it requires them to used. If so WordPress loads them in one of two places – either the footer or the header. However, for WordPress to know where to enqueue the scripts it requires that the theme call wp_head() and wp_footer().

    Regarding ‘name’, the name of the person who submitted the event is stored as post meta, as it not a taxonomy term.

    Stephen Harris

    Ahh it works now, since I’ve added wp_footer() code in my custom footer. That was the issue. Thank you so much!

    Webmaster CCC
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