maybe I made a big mistake 🙁
I was testing the import function but I did not see the imported Events in the calendar.
So I was importing a other .ics file and with this file it is showing the events. Ok, but how canI delete this Events now? In database I tryed to delete the 2 tables from EO but nothing happens. I see that the Events are in the Options table, but how to delete there?
I also delete the Plugin and re-install and the (wrong) Events was still there.
Any Idea how to delete the imported Events?
Kind regards
Hi Horst,
As on the other thread, please don’t post support questions here.
You can delete events from the events admin page by checking them and clicking delete.
Or if you have WP-Cli installed you can run:
wp eo ical-feed delete-events <feed-id>
to get the feed ID use:
wp eo ical-feed list
Stephen Harris