How can we add missing translations?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #38045 Reply

    The translation template eventorganiser.pot found in wp-content\plugins\event-organiser\languages has 488 occurrences of msgid however only 424 are available for translation at same for all other languages.

    This means that while says that the plugin is 100% translated, they are still 64 strings (488-424) that can’t be translated with the translation tool.

    What can be done to translate them?

    Fotoclub Poblenou
    #38167 Reply

    Hi, I’m not sure what uses for their translation tool so I don’t know why its not picking up on all translations.

    You can edit the .po file directly, using .pot for reference, and there are online tools which will convert it to .mo files.

    Stephen Harris
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