Hopefully this is correct place for my question…

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Hopefully this is correct place for my question…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years ago.

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  • #30466 Reply


    Hope this is the correct place for my question – I think I may have tried to get in contact already via the wrong form.

    I am looking to purchase your Event Organiser plugin for WordPress. I’m just wondering if it could also be used as an hour-by-hour bookings system for hot desks, or if you know of any wordpress plugin that would do the job that isn’t prohibitively expensive.

    Any suggestions appreciated. Meanwhile, can your Events Organiser be used also as an events calendar – i.e. people – users with login for wordpress – add their Events to the system themselves and we can pull a latest events list and approve / reject submissions as admins? I think it did from the demo I tried.

    Many thanks for your help

    #30481 Reply

    Hi Trevor,

    I replied to your email, but I’ll also include what I said here.

    Event Organiser doesn’t support events which repeat hourly unfortunately.

    You can assign the ability to create and publish events to different roles, so it’s possible to allow some users to log-in and create an event (but not publish it) and others the ability to ‘approve’ an event by publishing. There is also the Frontend Submission extension which allows you to create events from the front-end (optionally you can allow non-logged-in users to do so).

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Hopefully this is correct place for my question…
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