Hi, bought pro edition and got this:

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Jens Strauss 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #7604 Reply

    “Thank you for your purchase! Please find the download links and license keys for your purchased items:


    No Downloading links!

    And I go to dash board settings, can’t find anywhere to put in my activation code.

    Any help?

    My purchasing email is [removed by moderator]

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by  Stephen Harris.
    Anh Lio
    #7609 Reply

    Hi Anh,

    I’ve just sent you an email about this, along with a copy of the plug-in. You should receive a license key in a separate email. Apologies for any inconvenience.

    I’ve edited your above post to remove your email, as this is a public forum its prone to email harvesters.

    All the best,

    Stephen Harris
    #7612 Reply

    Thank you ! I’ve got the plugin and installed successfully.

    Another question: Can users submit events from front-end? If so, could you pls give me a tutorial link? Thanks again.

    Anh Lio
    #7614 Reply

    The plug-in doesn’t, but you can find a tutorial on this here: http://stephenharris.info/front-end-event-posting/

    Stephen Harris
    #8477 Reply

    I just got the {download_license_list} in my email as well.
    Also on the Purchase Confirmed page on the EO website it I’m told ” You can download the plug-in now using the link in your receipt below.” but there is no link.
    Help is always appreciated.

    T.W. Cooney
    #8478 Reply

    Hi T.W,

    I’ve just sent you an email. This issue is still being looked into, and it seems it affects a very small minority of customisers.

    Stephen Harris
    #8652 Reply


    I just bought the pro edition and have the same problem.
    There is no download link in the email I received

    Thank you very much for your help

    Jens Strauss
    #8654 Reply

    HI Jens,

    I’ve just sent you an e-mail :).

    Stephen Harris
    #8655 Reply

    Thank you very much 🙂

    Jens Strauss
Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
Reply To: Hi, bought pro edition and got this:
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