headerCenter="category" with several categories

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums iCal Extension headerCenter="category" with several categories

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nicolas Chéron 5 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #35284


    I have just started to use your plugin with the iCal extension, and I have a small issue. Here is my shortcode:
    [eo_fullcalendar category=”calendar1, calendar2, calendar3″ headerCenter=”category” ]

    When the page is diplayed, the menu to choose the calendar is displayed with only 2 choices: “See all calendars” (or equivalent, mine is displayed in French) and “calendar1”. Calendar2 and calendar3 don’t appear. How to fix this please?

    Also, is there an option to tick boxes in the list of calendars, for example to display calendar2 and calendar3?

    Finally, is it possible to display by default calendar1 and calendar2, and if the user wants to display calendar3 he/she can choose this from the list of calendars?

    Thanks a lot for your help.


    Nicolas Chéron

    Hi Nicholas,

    I couldn’t reproduce the bug where category 2 and category 3 do not display. Can you post exactly how you’re using the shortcode.

    The category filter is a dropdown; so there’s no ability to filter to display multiple categories unfortunately,.

    Stephen Harris


    The website is (and soon it will be https://www.chimie.ens.fr/agenda).

    The shortcode is [eo_fullcalendar category=”departement, colloquium, interne, invites, psl-bic” headerCenter=”category” ]. All the calendars are feeded by ics, but I don’t think it matters. I am using wordpress 5.1.

    Thank you for your help.


    Nicolas Chéron

    Hi Nicolas,

    Thanks, I’ve noticed you have a space between the comma and the next category – removing that space will hopefully fix the issue for you.

    This will be fixed in the next update.

    Stephen Harris


    Thanks. Indeed, removing the space has fixed the problem.

    As I wrote in my first message, a nice option in the futur would be to be able to tick boxes in the futur (instead of dropdown menu), and then to display some calendar by defaults but not all of those in the list.


    Nicolas Chéron
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