Handling Venues in Pro

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #9922 Reply

    Hi, I was just wondering which options exist in the Pro version for displaying venues. I am looking to implement an events directory but need to include a simple venue directory as well – ie a list view of all venues, preferably searchable.
    Is this something I can achieve with Event Organiser Pro without too much code tweaking?

    #9930 Reply

    Hi Alan,

    Pro does not include a venue listings page or (native) ability to search for venues. It’s all entirely possible with a bit of code (here’s a gist of a page template to list the venues of a site: https://gist.github.com/stephenharris/4988324)

    Stephen Harris
    #12354 Reply

    I have Pro installed and functioning. However, on the bookings page I am unable display a google map for the venue – why?

    I have tried [eo_venue_map venue=”bollington-community-centre”] – this doesn’t work – just the shortcode is displayed.

    #12358 Reply

    Hi Mike,

    I’ve just replied to your e-mail regarding this.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Handling Venues in Pro
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