Group by…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #10613 Reply

    Very cool plugin — not sure how I missed it all these years, but glad to have found it.

    Simple question for you: Can I “group by” a venue, category and / or tag using a shortcode… or some other approach?

    Venue Name
    Meeting Date 1
    Meeting Date 2

    I’ve got it partially going, but the venue name is hard-coded:

    [eo_events event_venue=”Venue Name”] %event_title%, from %start{jS M Y}{ g:i:a}% to %end{g:i:a}% at %event_venue%[/eo_events]

    Thanks in advance!
    — Matt D.

    #10634 Reply

    Hi Matt,

    There’s no widget/shortcode which will automatically create a list of events grouped by venue. However, its something that’s entirely possible with the API:

    • eo_get_venues() to retrieve the venues
    • Loop through each venue, and foreach get the next X events (via eo_get_events() or a WP_Query()
    • Display venue details, and loop through each event and display the event.

    Details of the above functions can be found here:

    Stephen Harris
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