Google key on upgrade to Pro version

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #24009 Reply

    At present I am using the free version of EO without a Google key code. I tried to enter a key but the maps disappeared. I think that’s because it was set up before Google introduced the key requirement.

    If I purchase and install EO Pro, will I then have to acquire a Google key?

    Michael Docker
    #24025 Reply

    Hi Michael,

    The Google key requirement is entirely independent of Pro. Google has allowed pre-existing domains to continue using maps without Google Maps API key – so if it’s working without one, I would just continue without one.

    That said, even if you don’t need one, a valid Google Maps API key will not break the maps. So it may have not been configured correctly (the key could be incorrect or if you have whitelisted domains which can use the key, that also may have a mistake in it).

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Google key on upgrade to Pro version
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