Google api error

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #23208 Reply

    I have the free version and will use the google maps function. Do I have to include a valid api license number from Google? In my free version comes a error

    <h2>or works the venue option only in a business version?</h2>

    js?sensor=false&language=da&ver=4.5.3:32 Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError @ js?sensor=false&language=da&ver=4.5.3:32(anonymous function) @ common.js:51(anonymous function) @ common.js:189c @ common.js:45(anonymous function) @ AuthenticationService.Authenticate?…:1
    util.js:211 Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys 

    <hr />

    Roland Strodthoff
    #23213 Reply

    Hi Roland,

    Google in these last few days have just started imposing a limit for higher-traffic sites (making 25000+ requests).

    A longer-term solution is being considered now, but in the mean time you can use the plug-in linked to on this blog-post: to enter an API Key.

    Stephen Harris
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