Hi, first of all thanks for the usefull plugin. I try to use formal german (that means the use of “Sie” instead of “Du” (EN “You”) – but when i activate formal german in the wordpress settings all event organizer text falls back into english. i took a look into the event organizer DE Po Language file and recognized there is a formal german translation, but its not displaying. how can i fix that problem? thanks for any idea, greetings Peter
This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Peter Wesche.
Peter Wesche
Hi Peter,
I think this confusion might be due to WordPress.org’s translation service. Event Organiser ships with its own translations (see this page), but that does not include a formal German translation.
If you’ve downloaded a language pack from WordPress.org, that will over-ride the provided translations. However, the formal translation language pack is currently sitting at only 12%: https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/de/formal/wp-plugins/event-organiser
That could be why it appears not to be translated.
(The translation tool currently used by Event Organiser unfortunately doesn’t support distinguishing between formal and informal forms – but it shall be migrating tools soon.)
Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
thanks. unfortunately i’m not a developer – but i know how to handle php snippets
and can change template files – so – i got some more questions:
i just downloaded the “wp-plugins-event-organiser-stable-de.po” –
i’ll change it to my needs.
but how can i prevent overwriting my new translated mo/po file?
placing it within the folder /wp-content/languages/plugins/ –
it will get overwritten in the next time when event organizer is updated – right?
can i place it in the child theme folder with the same path?
Could you please advice?
Peter Wesche
The plug-in will not over-write any files outside of wp-content/plugins/event-organiser(-pro)
The plug-in automatically loads translations from plugins/event-organiser(-pro)/languages
. However it will first look for wp-content/languages/event-organiser(-pro)-de_DE.mo
I’m not certain what the naming convention / location for translations downloaded via WordPress.org, but when placed outside the plug-in directory it shouldn’t be touched on an update. You could always rename the downloaded file and at place it at wp-content/languages/event-organiser-pro-de_DE.mo
Stephen Harris