Geolocation possible?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Clifford P 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #16305 Reply


    Does any version of WP Event Organiser support geolocation?

    If not, are there any plans to support it in the future?

    Also if not, is there any way to do it? To have the map recognise where the user is, if he’s accessing via mobile device.

    Thank you very much

    #16429 Reply

    Hi Tiago,

    It’s possible, but not a feature that is supported in Event Organiser. It is not currently on the roadmap, but that may well be reconsidered should there be sufficient demand for it.

    Stephen Harris
    #16655 Reply

    Demand! 😉

    2 thoughts I have about to start on a project:
    1) Since all my users will need to be registered (i.e. logged in to view/post events), add user profile field(s) for their address/coordinates and hook into the map’s “search near this address” functionality.
    2) Get the user’s geolocation myself (not via this plugin) and get some JavaScript / AJAX magic to happen (although over my head).

    Feedback is welcome

    Clifford P
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Reply To: Geolocation possible?
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