Functionality Queries

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #14607 Reply


    I am a front-end developer building a WordPress site for a school. They have a certain set of requirements for their events calendar. In particular they want to be able to mark all the term dates on the mini calendar widget. I see from the demo it is possible to do this with coloured event categories and maybe using recurring events?.

    However, what happens when there is more than one event category occuring on the same day? What colour will it display on the mini calendar?.

    Also I will probably need to some how hide the term date events on the events listing page as they only need them marked on the mini calendar. If the categories are given some kind of class then I could easily do this with CSS. I would also need to do disable the ability to click on term dates marked on the calendar, would this be possible?.

    Does the featured image option work with event posts and display them on the events listing page?. i.e) archive.php

    I have looked at many plugins and yours seems to be the closest I will be able to get to the functionality they need.

    Any help much appreciated,


    Andrew Turner
    #14613 Reply

    Hi Andrew,

    By default the plug-in does not colour events in the widget calendar. However, classes are added to the cells containing the event which you could use to colour the cell. You’d have to decide how to handle dates which contain events of different categories.

    Also I will probably need to some how hide the term date events…

    If the term dates aren’t going to be ‘events’ then an easier way would be not to create them as such. Instead the calendar widget cells have the data attributes: data-eo-wc-date="YYYY-MM-DD" (where YYYY-MM-DD is replaced by the date of that cell). You could create an option for them to enter the term dates, and then use that to automatically style the calendar cells with the appropriate date attribute.

    The default templates do display the event’s featured image if provided.

    Stephen Harris
    #14617 Reply

    Thank you for all the info.
    I’ve discovered you have a free version of the plugin so have been playing around with that. It seems great, and I’ve managed to use the classes assigned to the widget calendar cells to colour them appropriately.

    You mention using data-attributes, how would I allow them to enter these term dates if not within an event post?

    Andrew Turner
    #14622 Reply

    I would add an input on the settings page or on the dashboard or something. In any case, collecting/storing term dates would be completely outwith Event Organizer.

    Stephen Harris
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