Front end submissions, confirmation and payment

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Front end submissions, confirmation and payment

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #12981 Reply

    Id like to use this for a restaurant portal booking site, where the restaurant owners can submit their own availability front end.

    1. Is there a short code to include in a front end template?

    2. Can the user chose between a) setting fixed time slots and b) let the visitor to suggest a time?

    If a) is can the visitor be prompted to pay instantly and then receive a confirmation of the booking?

    If b) after the visitor has suggested a time, can the user receive a notification and accept (or suggest a new time?) Can the user loggin and can manage their bookings? And when the booking has been accepted, can an automatic email be sent to the visitor with link to pay, and then when he/she has paid, receive a final confirmation?

    Thank in advance for your reply, Ive been looking a long time for a plugin that can do the above so fingers crossed:)

    #13006 Reply

    Hi Marie,

    1, Yes, see the FES extension. It is not part of Pro, but is included for free with the developer license of Pro.

    2, The user (when booking) can only select a specific date / time. They can’t suggest one. Booking and payment can be instantaneous (with payment via PayPal or some other payment gateway), or ‘offline’ (requiring manual confirmation of booking).

    If I’m honest I don’t think Event Organiser (or any events management plug-in) is going to be suitable for your needs. I think you should look at a restaurant booking plug-in. Although there maybe similarities they are subtle but important differences between selling tickets for an event, and taking restaurant bookings. Having never used any, I can’t make any specific recommendations, but this one topped my Google search, has good ratings, and at the very least is free – so it might be a good starting point.

    Stephen Harris
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